As a lifelong learner, I have a diverse set of skills that might be useful to your endeavors. Here are some of the technologies I have experience with:
This ER admin staff scheduling company wanted their popular app brought into the modern era! With the help of my visual design buddy Logan LaBo, we designed and implemented a sleek new interface!
In my work with this email marketing platform, I was asked to design and implement a honeypot web application for potential clients showing email opens in real-time based on tracking pixel requests.
This real estate agency wanted to modernize their agent dashboard to manage tools and links for their agents. I migrated their existing dashboard to a new platform, implemented authentication, and integrated a fine-tuned chatbot!
This enterprise-level email marketing tool was going through a major overhaul and needed some structure at the lowest level. I worked with the company's design and engineering teams to implement their new design system!
This fashion designer wanted a Y2K themed website to showcase her work and services. I designed and implemented a cute, interactive website!
I collaborated with my partner to write and direct a horror short film using AI-generated video and audio, using Moonvalley and ElevenLabs.
This personal trainer wanted to reimplement his website into a marketing landing page for his typically older clients. Using his existing brandning, persuasive writing and client testimonials, I put together a straightforward but effective landing page for his business.
Austin Lymphatic wanted a redesign of their Wordpress website, and I delivered! This was a really fun branding project as well, and a good experience working with mobile.
For this amazing lymphatic drainage specialist, I designed a brand and logo, as well as created a landing page website with scheduling options using React, Tailwind, and Vercel.
I coded up a 3D audio visualizer with custom shaders for a bloom effect and a beat detection algorithm to introduce myself to the Processing framework using p5.js!
In the Fractal F100 challege, I submitted a multiplayer base defense game made using Unity and Photon, encouraging players to coordinate and cooperate.
I wrote up this short 3D generative animation of a vaporwave-inspired city near the mountains to learn the flexibility and constraints of native web graphics with pure CSS!
During GMTK Game Jam 2022, I developed a risky dungeon puzzle game using Unity and some sweet free art. Try your luck!
For this spooky hack, I designed a logo that was used on digital and print media, including swag items like t-shirts and the coveted challenger coins.
I designed a basketball-inspired logo for this tidy event that was printed on some squeaky clean challenger coins!
For this feel-good hack, I teamed up with @clayjuneau, @andrewwong, @michaeldain, and @akhilailla to visualize global carbon emissions, and also designed some logos!
I created a simple scroll shortcut Chrome extension to learn about the framework and scratch a usability itch at the same time!
Brand, logo, and UI design for this prescriptive sports exercise regimen concept from the brilliant mind of @amishmenon.
During GMTK Game Jam 2020, I developed an endless survival game where you play as a zombie facing an onslaught of human attackers.
I animated a stylish logo design (credit @ajolson) - coreographed to a Run-D.M.C. track - for a company hackthon using CSS and SVG.
I have provided various design and development work to this ghee-inspired company, including an e-commerce website using Bookmark as well as brand, logo, and cookbook designs.
Along with @ianowen I coded up this Flappy Bird-esque side-scrolling mobile game, and in addition composed some gameplay music.